Thursday, March 4, 2010

Franz at the big top (trying new camera phone)

Franz concert, don't usually take photos, but new camera phone, thought i'd give it a whirl. Wasn't too bad. (I was a fair ways back cause I had a torn quad and over activity in the big top mosh probably would of been bad plus my old uni friend roni can't go into the mosh)

"the franz ferdinand backdrop"


"dogs and dicks?"

"alex rocking out and me trying the zoom"

"the big drum part"

"the tourist photo of the bridge"

I really don't like this video taping business... it makes it harder to enjoy the actual concert... but part of take me out

All the fun and games I get up to in my new world

We make cars and a house


Solo-lego porn

Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?

Cause I got rid of my fb... I need some where else to upload my little knick knacks... so why not somewhere that no one will ever see them... anyways...

Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?

This is a common misconception of the evolutionary tree. For many eons, man has thought that forks have evolved from spoons based on their appearance. This however is incorrect, as forks evolved from combs. You see, cavemen discovered the hair brush after a coniferous tree branch was used to maintain proper hair style. The problem with this method was ticks, so the comb was invented. Not only did this remove the issue of ticks, but helped remove things from hair suck a dandruff. Then a genius named Edward Allen Fork thought, "if I can pick out dandruff from my hair with this comb, I can pick up food off a surface with it." With this idea he stuck a stick to a comb and called a fork. Modern innovation has taken it from a comb on a stick to what we now know as forks.

For more evolutionary insights, just ask.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Goldilocks and the three Bears

In year 8 we had to write a series of poems. One of which was a ballad based on a famous children's story type of thing. I was cleaning out my room and found it. It was epic all those years ago, so I'm going to assume it still is =p

There once was a girl with gold locks of hair
And around the corner lived three brown bears,
The golden haired girl's name was Goldilocks,
She went to the door and gave it three knocks.
Went to the the window and began to stare,
She couldn't see any of the three bears.

She turned the knob and found it unlocked,
She entered the house, our dear Goldilocks.
On the table laid the three bears breakfast,
Goldilocks licked her lips and said, "At last!"
First, she tasted Big Papa Bear's Cornflakes,
It tatses like it has been through several lakes.
Next she tasted Mama Bear's coco pops,
They were just awful, she had to stop.
After that she tried Baby bear's weet-bix.
They were so, so scrumptious, she needed six.

From all this food, Goldilocks put on weight.
She was really in a terrible state.
So bad, in fact, she broke baby bear's stool.
her trip was not turning out very cool.
She was apprehensive, she was aghast.
She was frantically running very fast.

A car rolled up in front of the bear's house,
Out came Papa Bear, second by his spouse.
Papa Bear then entered the bear's homestead,
Goldilocks jumped into Baby Bear's bed.
Firstly, Papa Bear stopped, smelt for some food,
And stated, "Someone has been here. How rude!"
He checked out his cornflakes and with a great flash,
Said, "whoever has been here I will bash!"
Mama Bear came in and shouted, "Oh dear!"
Not as many coco pops are in here!
Baby Bear started to scream and to kick,
Someone had eaten his lovely weet-bix.
Baby bear ululated and Goldilocks woke,
His screams were about how his chair broke.
Goldilocks raided the three bear's sock draw.
Papa Bear found nails amounting to four.
Goldilocks tied all the socks together,
And she ran away and left forever.
Papa Bear fixed Baby Bear's wooden chair,
When Baby bear saw Goldilocks out there.

Big Papa Bear chased after Goldilocks,
Goldilocks tripped over some rocks.
Then Big Papa Bear attacked and mauled her,
Then wiped all of her blood off of his fur.
He went home to have a celebration,
Concerning this momentous occasion.

C. Law

The Indonesian teacher who could hardly speak English commented on it saying, "Poor Goldilocks! What a Violent end!" And to the entire book of poems, "Well done, Casey. Your poems convey some interesting messages." She gave me an A! YAY! But yeah... If I were a teacher, I would be seriously concerned with how that poem ended, lol. But aside from that, It goes alright for a 14yo's attempt Iambic pentameter and an AABBCC rhyming scale... well I think so *shy*

Friday, November 28, 2008

Kubla Khan - The Snail Theory

Ok... when we were studying Coleridge poems for HSC English, Mrs Mahanidis encouraged our class to come up with our own interpretations. So... after being bored in a double period learning about how this poem is meant to be about SEX and other things... I came up with this... afterwards Mahanidis told me what she meant was come up with our own interpretations that were already thought of because HSC markers would think I'm crazy... but eh... Bollard suggested I turn it into a picture book... LOL... Anyways... here is the pure genius (or insanity) which is the snail theory of the Kubla Khan Poem.

Kubla Khan

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan [1]
A stately pleasure-dome decree: [2]
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran [3]
Through caverns measureless to man [4]
Down to a sunless sea. [5]
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round: [6]
And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, [7]
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.

But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted
Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover! [8]
A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover! [9]
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething, [10]
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
A mighty fountain momently was forced:
Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst
Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,
Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:
And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever
It flung up momently the sacred river. [11]
Five miles meandering with a mazy motion [12]
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran, [13]
Then reached the caverns measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean: [14]
And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far
Ancestral voices prophesying war! [15]

The shadow of the dome of pleasure
Floated midway on the waves; [16]
Where was heard the mingled measure
From the fountain and the caves. [17]
It was a miracle of rare device,
A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice! [18]

A damsel with a dulcimer
In a vision once I saw :
It was an Abyssinian maid,
And on her dulcimer she played,
Singing of Mount Abora.
Could I revive within me
Her symphony and song,
To such a deep delight 'twould win me,
That with music loud and long, [19]
I would build that dome in air,
That sunny dome! those caves of ice! [20]
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware ! Beware !
His flashing eyes, his floating hair !
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread, [21]
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise. [22]

  1. ^ Kublai Khan was a the last great Khan of the Mongolian Empire. This figure of power is a metaphor for a snail. The snail, like Kublai Khan, is one of nature's last remaining great creatures. Just like Kublai invaded Japan and Vietnam, the snail takes over gardens by moving in and feasting on the plants. Because of this, snails are considered pests, just like Kublai. Also, Xanadu was Kublai's summer palace... his paradise, just like the garden is the snails paradise.

  2. ^ A snail's shell is like a dome, and snails retreat into their shell when there is a threat of danger as a form of sanctuary. The pleasure-dome is the snail's shell.

  3. ^ The sacred river is the snail trail left by the snail as it meanders through the garden.

  4. ^ Measureless to man implies that it is quiet small in size yet a cavern suggests a very large opening. This juxtaposition reflects the snail going through an object such as grass, which to a snail would be very large, but to man, measureless.

  5. ^ The evening due.

  6. ^ The objects in the garden are large in size compared to the snail, so they appear to be like walls and towers.

  7. ^ The reflection of the slimey snail trail left a bright reflection in the garden

  8. ^ Expresses dismay at the dying grass on the other side of the hill (cedar = brown = colour of grass when dying) which is ruining the snail's paradise.

  9. ^ The moonlights strength wanes as humans come out into the garden with a woman crying for her lover... who the snail perceives as evil or a threat.

  10. ^ The endless problems associated with the chasm in nature caused by the developments of humans.

  11. ^ This line and the 5 lines before it describe rocks and dirt being kicked up (probably by the woman and lover from before). This dirt and rocks have been flung around the snail, endangering the creature. This also show's human's loving themselves and not caring about how their actions effect nature. Line like "huge fragments" describe the sheer size of the rocks compared to the snail and metaphors such as "Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail" describing the movement.

  12. ^ Describes the snails movements where it appears as moving slow with no sense of direction (just like snails move).

  13. ^ Snail's trail keeps on going through nature.

  14. ^ The snail returns to where it comes from and goes back into the slime (i.e.lifeless ocean) that is in its shell due to how tumultuous the world is.

  15. ^ Voices inside the snail tells the snail to fight back against mankind (i.e. eat their plants).

  16. ^ The shadow coming off the shell moves to being on top of the snail trail.

  17. ^ Description of the sounds going on outside the shell and what the snail can hear.

  18. ^ Outlines how miraculous this snail's sanctuary/shell is despite it being surrounded by so much danger.

  19. ^ Describes a Ethiopian girl playing an instrument in the garden to set up what happens at the end of the poem.

  20. ^ Coleridge talks in first person, longing to have his own shell, just like the snail, so he can escape from the evils of the world around him.

  21. ^ Coleridge warning that people should beware of the snail because they wil fight back like the prophecy of war in line 30 suggests.

  22. ^ How the snails will fight back, by eating our plants. Honey dew is a dark, strong honey, prized in Europe and Asia for it's medicinal purpose... admittedly I don't think snails eat that... but STC might not known that, lol

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Casey and Boredom had a baby...

...and this is it.

Isn't it ugly!

We should put it back in, it's not done yet!

Anyways... Casey is sure that Casey and boredom will make more babies... and you can eat them all up with your eyes! And it will create plots and plot holes for future adult movies about roosters and chickens in wild romantic scenes of bizarre-ness whilst you chow down Cheezels in your mother's basement! (This bit is directeded at the male readers: Getting cheese flavouring all over your ah... bits)

...but yeah.... um... I'm sure future posts will be less disturbing and more... ah... either emo, serious, amusing, disturbing and/or boring