Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Casey and Boredom had a baby...

...and this is it.

Isn't it ugly!

We should put it back in, it's not done yet!

Anyways... Casey is sure that Casey and boredom will make more babies... and you can eat them all up with your eyes! And it will create plots and plot holes for future adult movies about roosters and chickens in wild romantic scenes of bizarre-ness whilst you chow down Cheezels in your mother's basement! (This bit is directeded at the male readers: Getting cheese flavouring all over your ah... bits)

...but yeah.... um... I'm sure future posts will be less disturbing and more... ah... either emo, serious, amusing, disturbing and/or boring


Annie said...

YAYYYY A BLOG FROM CASEY!!!!!!! i hoep to read many emo serious amusing and not disturbing but boring blogs :D

and i hope you don't mind if i follow your baby..... hehehe

kc law said...

blog pedo =p